Sunday, April 29, 2007

Free Malayalam Internet Radio

24x7 Live Malayalam Internet radio from Kerala???
When my friend first forwarded me an email with this subject i wasn't much sure if i really can believe this now... only because my endless searches on Google & Yahoo! hadn't got me any worth while results. Checked it out & i really couldn't believe it.... next thing i know I've rung up my better-half "T" who is @ work and boosting-off my latest discovery. Ever since it has stayed in my desktop & still keeps we entertained when i get to my kitchen.
Download Radio Dum Dum here.

**Updates: Other latest Free Mallu Online Internet Radios


  1. Marconi Malayalam is also there with gum malayalam music. enjoy at

  2. enjoy Malayalam songs Round the Clock !

    Bonding Malayalees globally for a better World!

    A joint effort by Indian and Canadian Malayalees.

    for advt on this radio email to

    only 1 sponsor in one category, Limited Offer !
